From the Art Club with Tiril Hasselknippe. Video: Helle Navratil.
For children in years 1 –6.
Sign up to our Spring 2025 program is now open!
The Art Club is one of Kunsthall Stavanger's core activities. Here, children are introduced to contemporary art in a fun and accessible way.
Together with specially invited artists, the children explore different ways of working and thinking within the field of contemporary art. One of the goals of the Art Club is to provide children with new experiences and introduce tools from the art world that they can use in their everyday life. In the Art Club, they get to meet and work with professional artists, and our skilled art educators follow them through the semester. At the end of the semester we invite our friends and family to an exhibition to see what we have made and learned.
This spring, we will work
For children in years 1 –6.
Sign up to our Spring 2025 program is now open!
The Art Club is one of Kunsthall Stavanger's core activities. Here, children are introduced to contemporary art in a fun and accessible way.
Together with specially invited artists, the children explore different ways of working and thinking within the field of contemporary art. One of the goals of the Art Club is to provide children with new experiences and introduce tools from the art world that they can use in their everyday life. In the Art Club, they get to meet and work with professional artists, and our skilled art educators follow them through the semester. At the end of the semester we invite our friends and family to an exhibition to see what we have made and learned.
This spring, we will work with movement as a theme. Sometimes, it can be really boring to have to sit still. That’s why this semester, we’ll move together. Through movement, we can use our bodies to express who we are or who we want to become! When we move in unfamiliar ways, we can suddenly see things from different perspectives. But how are art and movement connected? Perhaps in more ways than you think. Welcome!
26 January
16 February
23 March
27 April
Exhibition 25 May
Artists to be announced.
This semester, we have organised the groups slightly differently. The youngest group is now for children in Years 1–3, and the older group is primarily for Years 4–6. If you have a child in Year 7 or 8, they are still warmly welcome to join the Art Club and should be registered in the older group.
Group 1, Years1–3: 1:00 pm – 3:15 pm
Group 2, Years 4–6: 4:15 pm – 6:30 pm
Please note: On 25 May, children should arrive at 1:00 pm, and the exhibition will open for family and friends at 3:00 pm.
Each group is limited to 20 participants.
1. Download the SPOND app and register your child.
If you are an existing user of SPOND, enter the group code: WACPZ. Please be sure to add the birthdate of the child in your registration, to ensure we place them in the correct group.
If there is an available place, you will be added. Please allow for a few days to process your registration.
The fee for the Art Club is NOK 600 plus an active family membership at Kunsthall Stavanger, NOK 500 - (total 1100kr)
2. To pay for the Art Club (NOK 600) fee using your Fritidskort
We are pleased that Stavanger Kommune has begun to offer every child aged 6–18 1000 kr to use towards any recurring leisure activity. This includes the Kunsthall Stavanger Art Club registration fee. See below for instructions on how to pay using your Fritidskort.
Please note, the Kunsthall Stavanger Family Membership fee is not covered as part of the Fritidskort and will need to be paid separately.
3. To pay for the family membership of NOK 500, please sign up via this link. (This can be paid in 2025).
4. For anyone who has not paid prior to January 20 2025, and wishes not to use their Fritidskort, we will send a payment request for the Spring Registration Fee (NOK 600) and Kunsthall Stavanger Membership (NOK 500), through SPOND.
5. Please remember, all participants must hold a family membership to Kunsthall Stavanger, to enroll into Kunstklubben. Returning participants from Autumn 2024, will need to renew their membership in Spring 2025.
6. Kunsthall Stavanger offers free spots in the Art Club for children whose parents or guardians are unable to cover the costs of participation. For more information, see the bottom of the page.
For guardians of our Art Club members!
We are pleased to announce that Stavanger Kommune has begun to offer every child aged 6-18 1000kr to use towards any leisure activity. This includes the Kunsthall Stavanger Art Club registration fee!
Please note, the Kunsthall Stavanger Family Membership fee is not covered as part of Fritidskortet and will need to be paid her.
To use Fritidskortet, as a guardian, you must register with a user at (press LOGIN at the top right - there you create a profile/user). You must also create an account for the child/children for whom you want to use Fritidskortet (Select Fritidskortet at the top of the menu, and click on Leisure Account). You will need to have the child/children's personal identification number/D number available in this process.
Then select FRITIDSKORT in the menu at the top of the page, and then select: Fritidskonto > Betale med Fritidskonto.
Then select the organiser (Kunsthall Stavanger). Confirm that the account number 3201.34.22035 is correct.
Select the child's Fritidskonto.
In the field "Invoice number and child's name" enter the following: Child's name, Kunstklubb Spring 2025 Registration fee, what the payment is for.
For example: Kari Nordmann , Kunstklubben Spring 2025 Registration fee.
Enter the amount of 600 kr.
Please be very precise in the text you enter, as we have to link the payment to fees manually in Spond.
Don´t forget this scheme applies to all children aged 6–18 in Stavanger Municipality. There is NOK 1000 per child/youth aged 6–18, per year, who participates in leisure activities, so do not hesitate to take advantage of the offer!
For more information about the Fritidskort.
To find Kunsthall Stavanger via Friskus.
It is mandatory to have a family membership to take part in The Art Club, as we encourage the caretakers of participating children to also be engaged in the kunsthall in general. You can see a list of all membership benefits, including free entrance and discounts on our membership page.
If caretakers do not have the opportunity to cover the cost of their child’s participation (both membership and registration fee), we have some free spots available. This also includes children with the "Opplevelseskortet" activity card. To request a free space, please contact All requests are treated confidentially.
For any questions, please reach out to our Art Club Educator Oleksandra Fabricius at