Kunsthall Stavanger is an art institution that shows Norwegian and international contemporary art, with an aim to promote interest in art and culture.
Kunsthall Stavanger prioritises the following in its program:
To carry out exhibitions, projects and events with Norwegian and international artists.
To offer a comprehensive educational program, with a special focus on children and young people.
To be an inclusive art institution, striving to show an antiracist and intersectional program.
To focus on digital art projects, strategies and tools to reach audiences around the world.
Kunsthall Stavanger opened in 2013, and is operated by Stavanger Art Association, which was established in 1865 and opened its building in 1925.
Kunsthall Stavanger has organised major survey exhibitions with artists such as Judith Bernstein, Kiki Kogelnik, Vanessa Baird, Peggy Ahwesh, and Wong Ping, and solo exhibitions with Jumana Manna, Rosie Hastings and Hannah Quinlan, Jamian Juliano-Villani, Nicolas Party, Hanne Lippard, and Torbjørn Rødland, among many others. Guest Curators include Legacy Russel, Myriam Ben Salah, Martha Kirszenbaum, Erika Balsom and Robert Leckie.
Educational initiatives for kids and young people is integral to Kunsthall Stavanger's mission, and through collaborations with professional artists, educators and youth workers, the institution activates contemporary art as a relevant and vital element of everyday life through programmes such as The Art Club, Mobilizing Citizenship, Arty Party, and school workshops.
Kunsthall Stavanger has carried out partnerships with institutions such as MoMA PS1, New York; Tate St. Ives, Cornwall; New Museum and Rhizome, New York; Goldsmiths CCA, London; Performa, New York; Kunsthalle FriArt, Fribourg, Switzerland; Spike Island, Bristol; Bluecoat, Liverpool; Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo; and MUNCH, Oslo.
Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet
Stavanger kommune
Rogaland fylkeskommune
Fritt Ord
Norske Kunstforeninger
Den Kulturelle Skolesekken
Sparebankstiftelsen SR-bank
Sparebanken Vest
Stiftelsen Sophies Minde
Inge Steenslands Stiftelse
Klosters Legat
OCA: Office for Contemporary Art Norway
Nordisk Kulturkontakt
Nordisk Kulturfond
FINNO: Finsk-Norsk Kulturinstitutt
FRAME: Contemporary Art Finland
Pro Helvetica: Swiss Arts Council
Culture Ireland
Det Norske Generalkonsulatet i New York
Den Norske Ambassade Berlin
Den Tyske Ambassade Oslo
Den Finske Ambassade Oslo
Den Østerrikske Ambassade Oslo
Deutsche Bank
Annual Reports
2022, PDF (Norwegian)
2021, PDF (Norwegian)
2020, PDF (Norwegian)
2019, PDF (Norwegian)
2018, PDF (Norwegian)