We would like to use the Westland Exhibition 2016 to investigate what the local negotiations. More and more phenomena seem to move across cultural, geographical and national borders. New network forms and electronic cloud formations create clusters and groupings that were previously unimaginable. The local has changed nature.
At the same time, the production of meaning occurs locally and cannot happen in forums that we perceive as central. Depictions of secret circumstances form a fairly unbroken line in art. Is it relevant for you to be where you are to investigate what you want? We wonder if the close and secret can gain a new relevance; - not to elevate history, but as an attempt to locate ourselves here and now.
Lars Korff Lofthus og Sveinung Rudjord Unneland
Curator for the Vestland exhibition 2016 together with Lars Korff Lofthus. Sveinung Rudjord Unneland has an MA from Bergen Academy of Fine Arts (2007). He has exhibited widely through solo exhibitions and group exhibitions at, for example, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Galleri LNM, Tag Team Studio, Gallery 0047, KODE - Bergen Art Museum, Kunstnerforbundet, Visningsrommet Entrée, Kristiansand Kunsthall, Østfold Kunstsenter and Waterside Contemporary in addition to city-specific projects and commissions. Alongside this, Rudjord Unneland has been active in the artists' group Members Club and holds board positions in UKS, B-Open, HKS, BEK and BKFH. He has been the organizer of a number of group exhibitions, and has been responsible for stage design for several theater productions. Rudjord Unneland's art projects often consist of painting and sculpture combined into installations.
b. 1978
Artist based in both Bergen and Hardanger. Curator for the Vestland exhibition 2016 together with Sveinung Rudjord Unneland.