Welcome to Kunsthall Stavanger's exciting event for children, Arty Party! Arty Party is an event for kids from 0 to 10 years old, where an artist is invited to create a very special event for our youngest audiences.

This spring's Arty Party artist is Kirsty Kross. Together with Kirsty, we will enter a magical underwater world where our usual Arty Party disco has become a Fisko!

Expect strange fish and sea creatures swimming among us in an underwater theme that encourages both breaking and going with the flow. Kirsty invites us to meet The Coral Trout, a singing and playing fish with many different sea friends.

The event is free for both kids and adults. At Arty Party there are always fun activities, an open workshop and a disco, and together with the artist, the kids are invited to take over the kunsthall for the day.

Curator: Kristina Ketola Bore
Project Manager: Marisa Molin

Arty Party has received generous funding from Sparebankstifelsen SR Bank, Sparebanken Vest and Norske Kunstforeninger.

Kirsty Kross press2024
Jugendstilsenteret Kube 3 B7 A5928 foto Kristin Stoylen
Jugendstilsenteret Kube 3 B7 A5928 foto Kristin Stoylen
Kirsty Kross press2024
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