In collaboration with RAS, Kunsthall Stavanger invites you to a performance by KNØ, winners of this year's Hedda Award for Best Dance Performance.

KNØ is a work crew consisting of 6 dancers and 3 large canvas paintings that meet in a collective bodily work. KNØ is based on an idea that people’s ways of existing are primarily maintained by doing activities such as collecting, carrying, keeping, and sharing. They work with an interest in touching, and explore desires and needs that develop through it.

Through simple yet complex interactions KNØ works on interweaving and interdependence between bodies and bodies of work. With backs and knees that withstand different loads, they push and are pushed, fold and get folded, carry and are carried. A soft struggle that points towards working with art and working with care.

Doors open at 18:00 and the performance starts at 18:30. Duration: 60 minutes.

Buy tickets through RAS' website.

Concept/choreography: Ingeleiv Berstad and Pernille Holden
Concept/costume/set-design: Signe Becker
Composer: Stine Janvin
Co-creating performers: Terje Tjøme Mossige, Rina Rosenqvist, Mathias Stoltenberg, Jens Trinidad, Pernille Holden, Ingeleiv Berstad.
Dramaturge: Melanie Fieldseth
Sound design: Christian Obermayer
The paintings are painted by Toril Skipnes, Anita Gundersen, Camilla Lilleengen og Frode Holgersen
Photo: Alette Schei Rørvik and Tale Hedenes
Video: Maja Wilhite Hannisdal
Producer: Eva Grainger
Production assistant: Sunniva Fliflet
Produced by: Bananaz – forening for Scenekunst
Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, ffuk and Dansens Hus - Oslo

Foto: Tale Hendnes.
Foto: Tale Hendnes.
Foto: Tale Hendnes.
Foto: Tale Hendnes.

Photo: Tale Hendnes.

Foto: Tale Hendnes.

Photo: Tale Hendnes.

Foto: Tale Hendnes.

Photo: Tale Hendnes.

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