In the workshop with Tiril Hasselknippe, we worked on creating our own worlds. We focused on what we ourselves would include in our own fantasy world, by drawing, painting or sculpting in modeling clay. The focus was not on making something perfect, but on expressing ourselves.
Art Club is part of Kunsthall Stavanger's main educational activities, which aims to introduce kids to contemporary art in a fun and accessible way. Here, we explore what contemporary art is, and what kind of experiences and tools we can bring from art into our everyday lives. Kids between 1st to 8th grade meet and work with artists during four workshops, getting together one Sunday a month over the course of a semester. The kids also get to explore our exhibitions together with our skilled educators. At the end of the semester we organise an exhibition, open to family and friends.
During this Autumn’s Art Club, we focus on the joy, the experimental, and the creative that we find online. Inspired by Kunsthall Stavanger's new digital platform that launched in September, we'll explore how digital surfaces and tools can be a place for experiments and the creation of art forms.
Tiril Hasselknippe (f. 1984, Arendal) har etter flere år i New York flyttet til Norge og bor og arbeider nå i Stavanger. Hun har sin MFA fra Kunstakademiet i Malmø i 2013, hvor hun deltok i et utvekslingsprogram ved The Cooper Union i New York. Hasselknippes siste separatutstillinger inkluderer Magenta Plains, New York, USA (2020); DREI, Cologne, DE (2020, 2017); Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, NO (2019); Tranen, København, DK (2016); Kunstverein Braunschweig, DE (2016); og Bianca D’Alessandro, København, DK (2016). Arbeidene hennes har vært vist i gruppeutstillinger ved visningssteder som Künstlerhaus Palais Thurn & Taxis, Bregenz, AT (2019); New Museum Triennalen: Songs for Sabotage; CCC OD i Tours, FR (2018); Magenta Plains, A Palazzo Gallery, Brescia, ITL (2017); Astrup Fearnley Museet, Oslo, NO (2015); og Stavanger Kunstmuseum, Stavanger, NO (2016). Hun har gjennomført utsmykninger ved Klostergårdens Idrottsplats, Lund Konsthall og Lund Municipality, Lund, SE og Institute of Water Science, Lund University og Statens Konstråd, Lund, SE og fullførte nylig en utsmykning for KORO til Det juridiske fakultet ved Universitetet i Oslo som åpnet våren 2020.
Tiril Hasselknippes kunstnerskap er forankret i en verden der personlig utforskning kombineres med sosiopolitisk tekning, ofte i en post-apokalyptisk forestilling.