Photo: Sondre Oldereide Michaelsen
At the last Art Club of the season, we invite family and friends to join us for an exhibition, where we will show them what we have done and made this season. We will work together with artist David Lamignan Larsen on curating the exhibition.
The Art Club is for children in 1st to 8th grade. The Art Club introduces children to contemporary art in a fun and accessible way. Here, we explore what contemporary art is, and what kind of experiences and tools we can bring from art into our everyday lives. The children will meet and work with professional artists, and get explore our exhibitions together with our skilled educators. At the end of each semester we organise an exhibition for family and friends.
The theme for the 2022 semester was how we express ourselves in society. Together we explores how we receive and share information. Inspired by this spring's exhibition Vision Machines by Peggy Ahwesh, we asked how we can create new expressions by combining familiar forms. How can this help us see things from new perspectives?
David Lamignan Larsen is born in 1981 to an Nigerian mother and a Norwegian father. He grew up in Norway until he, when 11 years old, moved to Gabon, West Africa in 1991. He moved back to Norway in 1997 because his father got ill. Sadly, his father passed away leaving a young confused 17 year old alone with his African mother and siblings. The reason this story is told like this, is because it has an important relevance to his art. He makes stories, as Nigerians are rhoumored to be great story tellers. His inspiration comes from his experience and researches, which are mostly based on the question "Where do I fit in?"
In Norway he experienced a lot of direct and indirect rascism. When in Africa (Nigeria or Gabon) he was looked upon as white.
"Where do I fit in?", with a twist of irony, humour and creativity inspired by how it is to be trapped in between 2 cultures, between West- Africa and Europe. His work is based on his experiences in real life and from personal research. Lamignan has also exhibited in different countries like Norway, Sweden, Germany and U.S.A.
Welcome to www.lamignan.com.