For the Vestlandsutstillingen 2020, curator Elise By Olsen, started from performances about the 'typically' Norwegian in the face of the 'typically' international within contemporary art. The Vestlandsutstillingen is a living national romanticism that is at any time visible to the area's artists and thus unavoidable. Olsen is interested in how the landscape shapes art to this day. At the same time, we live in a time where it is easy to participate in artistic discourses outside of our local existence. In the wake of a digital revolution, which is precisely free of mental and physical boundaries through time and space, the curator asks themself whether it is possible to rethink national romanticism? In response, she has selected artists who enter into a close dialogue with their surroundings - through organic processes, time-consuming methods and tangible materials. In the Vestlandsutstillingen 2020 , expectations of curatorial integrity and geographical belonging are discarded
For the Vestlandsutstillingen 2020, curator Elise By Olsen, started from performances about the 'typically' Norwegian in the face of the 'typically' international within contemporary art. The Vestlandsutstillingen is a living national romanticism that is at any time visible to the area's artists and thus unavoidable. Olsen is interested in how the landscape shapes art to this day. At the same time, we live in a time where it is easy to participate in artistic discourses outside of our local existence. In the wake of a digital revolution, which is precisely free of mental and physical boundaries through time and space, the curator asks themself whether it is possible to rethink national romanticism? In response, she has selected artists who enter into a close dialogue with their surroundings - through organic processes, time-consuming methods and tangible materials. In the Vestlandsutstillingen 2020 , expectations of curatorial integrity and geographical belonging are discarded in favour of spontaneous, and surprisingly analog, tensions between materials, works and audience.
Ananda Serné, Catalina Aguilera, Eli Maria Lundgaard, Hans-Marius Pilskog Giske, Inga S. Søreide, Jan Kåre Ruud, Matias Kiil, Marit Silsand, Sofia Heinonen, Sofia Eliasson, Steinar Haga Kristensen, Thor Tao Hansen, Tore Winsents, Urd J. Pedersen, Vilde Salhus Røed
f. 1999
Kurator for Vestlandsutstillingen 2020. Elise By Olsen (f. 1999, Oslo) er redaktør og kurator. I 2013 etablerte ho ungdomskulturmagasinet Recens Paper, laga av og for unge menneske. Recens mottok raskt internasjonal merksemd, og kun tretten år gamal vart Elise By Olsen kjend som verdas yngste sjefredaktør. Som kurator har ho samarbeidd internasjonalt med aktørar som Bjarne Melgaard, galleri Thaddaeus Ropac, det residensbaserte prosjektet 89+ (Hans Ulrich Obrist og Simon Castets) og Google Arts & Culture. Ho er for tida redaktør for Wallet, ein publikasjon for motekritikk. Elise By Olsen føreles ved Central Saint Martins i London og Parsons School of Design i New York. Bur og arbeider i Oslo, Lisboa og London.