Kunsthall Stavanger er stolte av å invitere til performance med den britiske danseren Zinzi Minott.
One Lyrical Bitch Solo (an installation) er en arkivbasert dansefilm og performance av Minott, med formål om å undersøke posisjonen til svarte kvinner i dans.
Zinzi Minott er den andre kunstneren som deltar i årets Mobilizing Citizenship, et kunst- og formidlingsprosjekt rettet mot unge mennesker 12-16 år.
Performancen er gratis og åpen for alle.
Mobilizing Citizenship er muliggjort med støtte fra Kulturrådet og Nordisk kulturkontakt.
Flyer design av Hamish McPherson & Zinzi Minott.
Zinzi Minott´s work focuses on the realtionship between dance, bodies and politics.
Strongly identifying as a dancer, she seeks to complicate the boundaries of dance and the place of black female bodies within the form. Her work explores how dance is perceived through the prisms of race, queer culture, gender and class. Zinzi is interested in the space between dance and other art forms, and though her practice is driven through dance, the outcomes range from performance and live art to sound, film, dances and object-based work.
In 2016/17, she was artist in residence at both Tate Modern and Tate Britain. During her time there, she was commissioned by the Tate to create "Nowse Bwoy and Anty... The saving of a life", which premiered in February 2017 at the Tate Britain as part of BP Families Festival with sound from cellist Pete Yelding. She has also been artist in residence at Rich Mix and Dance Research Space 2016/17 and currently is the resident artist at the Somerset House and Once Dance UK Trailblazer. Most recently, Zinzi was awarded the Arts Council England's Artist International Development Fund, Jerwood Micro Bursary and the Live Art Uk / Live Art Development Agency-Diverse Actions Leadership Bursary. In 2018, Zinzi was the Artist in Residence at the Serpentine Gallery, and is currently one of two artists commissioned under the CONTINUOUS. CONTINUOUS is a four-year partnership between BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art (Gateshead) and Siobhan Davies Dance, to explore the relationship between contemporary dance and visual art. The work will premier this Autumn, 2019 at BALTIC and will continue to tour into 2020.
Her new work, "What Kind of Slave Would I Be?" will tour this year, alongside an R&D period into new work.